Integreat Queensland’s grows Rockhampton services

Integreat Queensland’s Project and Pathways Coordinator Stephanie Smaller-Thomson, who was based in our Gladstone office, has now moved to our Rockhampton office full-time.

For the past year, Stephanie has had the pleasure of getting to know a great many of our Rockhampton services that offer support to the Capricorn area through a part time position that refers and educates migrant women who may be experiencing Domestic and Family Violence and the services that help them.

Within the Family Safety funding she has also been holding a fortnightly SisterLife Circle that encourages deep, authentic connection amongst women.   Through our partnership with Capricorn Communities for Children Facilitating Partner, funded by the Australian Government and facilitated by The Smith Family, Integreat Queensland will continue to deliver our free Circle of Security Parenting, 1-2-3 Magic® & Emotion Coaching and the Little Steps Multicultural Playgroup.

Stephanie said she is delighted to start a 16-week ‘Mothers Journey’ for women who are mothers or caregivers of children 0-12yrs in Rockhampton.

“The ‘Mothers Journey’ program is for any woman who has responsibility for children be they mother, grandmother, aunt, family friend, or a foster mother who wants to gain confidence setting life goals, identifying personal strengths and values, enhancing interpersonal skills, and developing positive self-image in a safe, female centred place,” she said.

Stephanie also said Integreat Queensland will continue to have positive interactions with local agencies, emergency planning, and gaining an understanding of volunteering and forward planning in the Rockhampton region.

“A similar program has been run in Victoria for many years and has been really popular,” she said.

“Last year Gladstone hosted this course, and all the participants went on to further study and volunteering, and/or became more confident in looking for jobs.

“It’s an enjoyable program that focuses on a topic like strengths and values for the first part then goes onto a parenting program.

“All of Integreat Queensland’s programs are delivered in a safe, supported environment and I welcome women to come and learn, discuss and meet other women.”

Picture: Integreat Queensland’s Project and Pathways Coordinator Stephanie Smaller-Thomson, (centre) with program participants.

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