Integreat Queensland Newsletter: May 2023

Welcome to Integreat Queensland’s May Newsletter.

Here at Integreat Queensland we are getting excited as in June we will be holding the Flourish Festival in Biloela. The Flourish Festival is a community-led multicultural arts festival featuring dance, music, fashion, and artistic and visual displays. It’s all about showcasing who we are, where we’ve come from, and what we now share together as we believe art and culture are at the heart of diverse communities.

Don’t forget, Integreat are holding FREE Employer breakfasts about Domestic and Family Violence paid leave and the new legislation in Gladstone on May 12 and Rockhampton on May 31 and everyone is invited to our Picnic in the Park in June.

Have a great month.

The Integreat Queensland Team.

Kind donation from Zonta Gladstone could save lives.

Integreat Queensland was delighted to receive a kind donation from Zonta Gladstone to help us highlight services available to women impacted by Domestic and Family Violence.

President of Zonta Gladstone Margearet Esdale said Zonta Gladstone is part of Zonta International, a worldwide organisation with the goal to build a better world for women and girls.

“Zonta Gladstone facilitate a number of initiatives to help women and girls in our community,” Margearet said.

“We raise money for scholarships and for birthing kits for women in developing countries including breast cushions for local women who have had a mastectomy. There are a lot of projects that we have under our belt including for women effected by Domestic and Family Violence.

“In November and December, we run an advocacy project with 16 days of activism which is advocating to raise awareness and reduce Domestic and Family Violence against women and girls.

“We believe if more people know how and where to get help, it will hopefully go towards tacking this very important issue.”

Zonta Gladstone kindly donated $433 towards Integreat Queensland projects targeted at Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) women experiencing, or are at risk of experiencing, Domestic and Family Violence.

Integreat Queensland Program Coordinator Esther Arzolay-Martinez thanked Zonta Gladstone for the kind donation and said the funds will assist in highlighting Domestic and Family Violence services for women in central Queensland.

“Integreat Queensland run a number of initiatives focused on those affected by Domestic and Family Violence,” she said.

“From our programs like SisterLife Circle, Safer Pathways, and A Mother’s Journey, to specific initiatives like how to recognise employees affected by Domestic and Family Violence in the workplace.

“For some people it may only be a small amount of money donated by Zonta Gladstone however, it only takes a little bit of support to assist and even save lives of women and families who are experiencing Domestic and Family Violence.”

Picture: President of Zonta Gladstone Margearet Esdale (left), Integreat Queensland Program Coordinator Esther Arzolay-Martinez (second from left), with Zonta and Integreat Qld volunteers and staff.

Can you recognise Domestic and Family Violence?

To assist employers on how to recognise and help employees that may be experiencing Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) as well as understanding the new employer legislation for DFV paid leave coming into effect on August 1, Integreat Queensland are holding a FREE Employer breakfast about DFV paid leave and the new legislation in Gladstone on May 12 and Rockhampton on May 31.

Funded through the Safer Pathways program by the Department of Social Services, the event will have guest speakers from the Community Services Industry Association, the Services Union, and local Domestic and Family Violence support organisations. One such organisation, CQ Healthy Families, will be presenting at the Rockhampton event on May 31 at CocoBrew.

CQ Healthy Families Manager Louise Hayes said she will be highlighting what DFV is, how to identify it, and giving information about what CQ Healthy Families does and how to assist employees experiencing DFV.

“Sometimes it can be quite difficult to identify people who are experiencing DFV,” Louise said.

“Because there is an element of shame, people have got very skilled in covering it up however, the best way is to ask by having a private conversation with them and even though many people will say everything is okay, let them know that you’re there if they need help.”

Louise said CQ Healthy Families are a not-for-profit organisation passionate about changing the stories of people impacted by DFV.

“We currently run a number of free programs in the community to raise awareness or provide wellbeing pathways for those who have experienced DFV,” Louise explained.

“We can come to your business and deliver toolbox talks or DFV awareness sessions because we believe DFV is everyone’s business, and we need to promote a whole of community approach in ending it by empowering the community and by providing advocacy through connectedness.”

Louise said recognising someone experiencing DMF is different for everybody.

“Your employee may have unexpected absences, their partner may be calling them all the time at work, or they may be having to sneak off to answer the phone all the time,” she said.

“They could be wearing different clothes, have long sleeves for a change, could be more nervous or withdrawn, but again you won’t know unless you ask because all of those symptoms could be for other reasons as well.”

If you’re an employer and would like to attend the FREE Employer breakfast to help employees that maybe experiencing DFV as well as to understand the new employer legislation for DFV paid leave coming into effect on August 1, please connect to the links below of register by phone by calling 07 4900 1617 or email

• Gladstone: Friday 12 May 7am to 9am at Gladstone Engineering Alliance. To register, connect here.
• Rockhampton: Wednesday 31 May 7am to 9am at CocoBrew. To register, connect here.

Confidential information, counselling and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence (including employees and employers) is available at the 1800 RESPECT website, the national sexual assault, domestic and family violence counselling service.

Picture: CQ Healthy Families manager, Louise Hayes.

Here comes the Flourish Festival in Biloela.

Integreat Queensland are excitedly planning the Flourish Festival in Biloela to be held on Sunday, June 18 at the Biloela Civic Centre. The Flourish Festival is a community-led multicultural arts festival featuring dance, music, fashion, and artistic and visual displays.

Integreat Queensland Biloela Community Engagement Facilitator Ridhi Gein Gupta said like in past years, the Flourish Festival will continue to be a community-led event by helping people integrate and actively participate in a thriving community.

“Biloela has a wonderful multicultural community with over 20 different cultures living and working in the region,” Ridhi said.

“The community started planning for the festival in January with many designing and making their own cultural dress and planning for a festive delight of delicious cultural dishes.

“This year’s event will feature food from around the world including from Samoa and Tonga who are going to have a traditional Hangi with a kaleidoscope of dishes from the Philippines, China, Korea and more.”

Ridhi said the Flourish Festival is designed to celebrate multiculturalism through the lens of art to allow the community to show how they flourish in their region through their own creativity.

“There will be a photo competition highlighting the region and its multiculturalism including traditional performances like the Lakalaka from Tonga and a cultural fashion parade.

“Last year’s event attracted many cultures along with the Australian community with many people now coming together through food and drink. There are now coffee mornings in Biloela where many locals get together to celebrate their culture and food, and to learn about each other’s cultures.

“The Flourish Festival cultivated those connections by showcasing who we are, where we’ve come from, and what we now share together, which is fundamentally the aim of the event.”

The Flourish Festival in Biloela will be held on Sunday June 18 at the Biloela Civic Centre from 10am to 6pm. If you would like to learn more or get involved, phone Integreat Queensland on 07 4900 1617 or email

Picture: More than 20 cultures from around the world displayed their cultural dress, dance, customs, and traditions, at the Flourish Festival in Biloela last year.

Intenational tastes of the world at Pop-Up Restaurant.

Be transported around the culinary tastes and flavours of the world at Integreat Queensland’s Pop-Up Restaurant on Saturday, May 20.

From large cities to rural towns and now Gladstone, our pop-up restaurant engages local chefs and cooks from around the world to not only create international fast-casual fusion dishes to high-end gourmet meals, but to also tell their story and their love of creating good food.

Integreat Queensland program coordinator Samantha Codrington said globalization is bringing people of the East and West closer, which is also bringing forward evermore creative fusion foods.

“Integreat Queensland’s May Pop-up Restaurant will feature international cuisines from Egypt, Vietnam, Colombia, and Nepal to delight tastebuds mixed with the culture of international personalities and stories,” Samantha said.

“We believe at Integreat Queensland that food is at the heart of diverse community here in Gladstone and is a powerful tool for creating social connections, boosting economic growth, and shaping a strong, healthy region.”

Held on Saturday the 20th of May at ArtMatters, 3 Pitt St Gladstone, the Pop-Up Restaurant includes entrée, mains, and dessert, offering an eclectic international mash-up of food culture for those open to trying flavours and cooking techniques from different regions around the world. Licenced bar available. Cost $60 per person – bookings essential.

To find out more and to book your seat, please click here. You can also phone 07 4903 1931 or email

Pictures: Everyone enjoying the tastes of the world at Integreat Queensland’s Pop-Up Restaurant in April.

Programs and Events


If you’re a parent or carer curious about emotion coaching, doing so can help your kids become more resilient, independent, and emotionally mature. Emotional intelligence is learned, and a child’s first teacher about emotions is usually his or her parents. You can help your child develop emotional intelligence by coaching them which can help you avoid common pitfalls as you guide your children towards becoming successful, happy adults.

Before you can become an emotion coach, you must first understand your own approach to emotions. Some parents for example, are uncomfortable with their child’s negative emotions. If a child feels sad, you might think that if you fix the problem that created the sadness, the sadness will go away.

Reasoning away your child’s emotion with logic rarely works. Instead, a child’s negative feelings become integrated when children talk about them, label them, and feel understood. When children feel their parents understand them, they feel closer to them.

At Integreat Queensland’s 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching program, one participant commented “It’s great to see a different way of doing things” – and that is exactly what the program is about allowing for open communication, encouraging individuals to identify value and assemble their strengths and capacities when raising a child.

Our 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching program is available either in person and online during the day or in the evening and depending on demand and can be held at two locations – north or south Rockhampton.

Expressions of interest for 2023 are open now. Let us know your preferences and we will see what can be offered. Childminding will be available for daytime, in-person sessions.

To find out more, please phone 4900 1617 or email:

Why is play group important for children.

At Integreat Queensland, we believe play is so good for us. It feeds the brain. It builds skills and knowledge. During play, children engage with and learn about the world around them.

Some play is structured, which is generally parent-led and provides a specific learning opportunity. Whilst it can involve a tangible game, such as a puzzle, it can also be a game that you integrate into your everyday routine – such as a game of freeze or ‘stop and go’. Other times play is unstructured, open-ended, with endless possibilities. For example, making a work of art, building cubbies out of household items, exploring natures biggest playgroup – the great outdoors or pretend play.

The skills children acquire while playing are endless – fine motor, problem solving, creativity, language, social, emotional, dexterity and resilience are all hard at work during play. As are all of the senses. Incorporating a variety of play experiences enriches skills and knowledge, the more your children play, the more you learn.

Integreat Queensland’s Little Steps Multicultural Playgroup are informal sessions where mums, dads, grandparents, carers, children, and babies meet together each week in a relaxed environment. At Playgroup, families are given the opportunity to connect with other families in their local communities, to share knowledge, seek advice and gain invaluable support.

When: Every Tuesday from 9:30am to 11:30am (during school term).
Where: Berserker Street Community Hub, 28 – 140 Berserker Street, North Rockhampton (Entrance – corner of Charles and Berserker St).
Free: Everyone with children from 0 to 5 years old are welcome.

This program is an initiative delivered by Integreat Queensland Inc. in partnership with Capricorn Communities for Children Facilitating Partner. Capricorn Communities for Children Facilitating Partner is funded by the Australian Government and facilitated by The Smith Family.

To register and for more info, please contact us by email: or phone 4900 1617

What Mums Really Need Today (And Every Day).

Mums are incredible. They care for the little people (and oh yeah, grow and birth them too!). They care for their loved ones (all of them), work, volunteer, cook, clean, learn, teach, decorate, listen, drive, organise, coordinate, celebrate, and basically keep all the wheels of life moving.

It doesn’t matter where or how you work or how successful you feel… odds are you work overtime (and care tremendously while you do it). So if we’re so amazing, why don’t we feel like we are most of the time? How do we get rid of the term “mum guilt” forever?

We don’t have the perfect answers to these questions (apologies if you were hoping for that). But at Integreat Queensland, we do think the key to breaking the cycle lies with us.

That’s why we would like to invite all mother’s to Integreat Queensland’s A Mother’s Journey program. A Mother’s Journey is a free program to assist mothers to learn about themselves and the services that can help and support them and the ones they love. We celebrate where we’ve come from and what has made us, who we are, and hear from a variety of guest speakers about our rights, our mental health, and gender diversity plus more. The program is for women of all ages who look after children – part time, fulltime, your own or others.

This program is an initiative delivered by Integreat Queensland Inc. in partnership with Capricorn Communities for Children Facilitating Partner. Capricorn Communities for Children Facilitating Partner is funded by the Australian Government and facilitated by The Smith Family.

If you are interested or would like to learn more, please phone 07 4900 1931 or email:

The Story of Sisters, Love, and Healing.

Want to talk to a sister who affirms and understands you? Want to reclaim your magic while healing with other women that understand your story? If so, Integreat Queensland would like to invite you to our SisterLife Circle program, an intentional circle to support women with healing, transformation, and celebration.

Integreat Queensland’s Sisterlife Circle program can help you become the best you can be by supporting each other to grow and develop in all aspects of life. Through personal struggles and feelings of defeat, we believe a Sisterhood can help encourage one another to achieve things that individuals might not have thought possible. Achievements, no matter how big or small, can help to inspire a Sisterhood collectively, and with the support of a powerful group who have each other’s best interests at heart, it can help to build confidence to reach new heights together.

Held fortnightly at Integreat Queensland 223 Campbell St, Rockhampton, SisterLife Circle is a safe and supportive environment for women to meet, share and connect.

If you are interested in joining our Sisterlife Circle, please contact us on 4900 1617 or email:

Let’s talk about English in Australia.

Learning Australian English as a second or additional language is best undertaken through speaking and understanding the language through actual conversations. At Integreat Queensland’s women’s only Let’s Talk Conversational English classes, we provide feedback throughout the sessions, as well as introducing you to the colloquialisms unique to Australia.

As a new speaker of English, you may hear some expressions in your daily conversations you do not understand. Our sessions will help you learn these expressions, so not only do you know what a person is saying to you, but that you can use the expression yourself.

Integreat Queensland’s Let’s Talk Conversational English classes is a great way to improve your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly, relaxed, and safe environment with conversations are about a range of relevant and interesting topics. Our classes offer the opportunity for people to practice their speaking skills in a supportive and non-judgmental environment in an informal setting to encourage connection and confidence in communicating, making new friends, and learning new things.

When: Thursday’s from 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Where: Lakes Creek Community Hub – 445 Paterson St, Lakes Creek.
Cost: Free. Registration required.
*Participants can join anytime during the term.

This program is funded by Multicultural Australia in partnership with Lakes Creek Community Hub and facilitated by Integreat Queensland.

For more info and to register, please contact us on 07 4903 1931 or email or turn up on the day.

Adult Literacy Class.

Do you have trouble reading or writing English? Does this limit your participation in work, community groups, and everyday life?

At Integreat Queensland, we believe that being able to speak English is the direct road to a good life in this country. In an Australian National University poll, 92 per cent of people surveyed thought the ability to speak English was central to “being truly Australian”. Having been born here was seen as much less important.

Integreat Queensland’s Adult Literacy Class is a free service to help people with low English levels to improve their English language skills and settle here in central Queensland. Learning English will help you to participate more fully in Australian life. You will learn new skills to help you work and make friends in Australia.

In this class, you will:
– Improve your reading and writing skills.
– Improve your confidence in communicating with others.
– Improve your ability to connect with the community.

  • When: Thursdays.
  • Time: 3:30-4:45pm.
  • Where: Lakes Creek Community Hub – 445 Paterson St, Lakes Creek QLD 4701
  • Cost: FREE. Childminding available on request for free.

This program is funded by Multicultural Australia in partnership with Lakes Creek Community Hub and facilitated by Integreat Queensland.

For more info and to register, please contact us on 07 4903 1931 or email or turn up on the day.

Programs and Events


The Story of Sisters, Love, and Healing.

Want to talk to a sister who affirms and understands you? Want to reclaim your magic while healing with other women that understand your story? If so, Integreat Queensland would like to invite you to our SisterLife Circle program, an intentional circle to support women with healing, transformation, and celebration.

Integreat Queensland’s Sisterlife Circle program can help you become the best you can be by supporting each other to grow and develop in all aspects of life. Through personal struggles and feelings of defeat, we believe a Sisterhood can help encourage one another to achieve things that individuals might not have thought possible. Achievements, no matter how big or small, can help to inspire a Sisterhood collectively, and with the support of a powerful group who have each other’s best interests at heart, it can help to build confidence to reach new heights together.

Held fortnightly at Integreat Queensland, 1 Minning St Southy Gladstone, SisterLife Circle is a safe and supportive environment for women to meet, share and connect.

If you are interested in joining our Sisterlife Circle, please contact Esther on 4903 1931 or email:

I want to hold a conversation with confidence.

Learning Australian English as a second or additional language is best undertaken through speaking and understanding the language through actual conversations. At Integreat Queensland’s Let’s Talk Conversational English classes, we will provide feedback throughout the sessions, as well as introducing you to the colloquialisms unique to Australia.

As a new speaker of English, you may hear some expressions in your daily conversations that you do not understand. Our sessions will help you learn these expressions, so not only do you know what a person is saying to you, but you can use the expression yourself.

Integreat Queensland’s Let’s Talk Conversational English classes is a great way to improve your English speaking and listening skills in a friendly, relaxed, and safe environment with conversations are about a range of relevant and interesting topics. Our classes offer the opportunity for people to practice their speaking skills in a supportive and non-judgmental environment in an informal setting to encourage connection and confidence in communicating, making new friends, and learning new things.

  • When: Thursday, (during school term)
  • Time: 1pm – 2:30pm
  • Where: 1A Manning St, South Gladstone.
  • Cost: Free. Registration required.
  • *Participants can join anytime during the term.

To register or for more information, please contact us on 4903 1931 or email:

Why is play group important for children.

At Integreat Queensland, we believe play is so good for us. It feeds the brain. It builds skills and knowledge. During play, children engage with and learn about the world around them.

Some play is structured, which is generally parent-led and provides a specific learning opportunity. Whilst it can involve a tangible game, such as a puzzle, it can also be a game that you integrate into your everyday routine – such as a game of freeze or ‘stop and go’. Other times play is unstructured, open-ended, with endless possibilities. For example, making a work of art, building cubbies out of household items, exploring natures biggest playgroup – the great outdoors or pretend play.

The skills children acquire while playing are endless – fine motor, problem solving, creativity, language, social, emotional, dexterity and resilience are all hard at work during play. As are all of the senses. Incorporating a variety of play experiences enriches skills and knowledge, the more your children play, the more you learn.

Integreat Queensland’s Little Steps Multicultural Playgroup are informal sessions where mums, dads, grandparents, carers, children, and babies meet together each week in a relaxed environment. At Playgroup, families are given the opportunity to connect with other families in their local communities, to share knowledge, seek advice, and gain invaluable support.

  • When: Every Tuesday & Friday from 9:30am to 11:30am (during school term)
  • Where: Philip Street Families and Communities Precinct – 1 Pengelly St, Gladstone. (Yellow/Nutchee building)
  • Free: Everyone with children from 0 to 5 years old are welcome.

To make sure everyone is safe as possible, we will be limiting our numbers to 25 parents (children) so please do register for the day you would like to come.

For more information, please contact us via email: or phone 07 4903 1931.

Meet new and old friends at our Picnic in the Park.

With so much going on in each of our lives, there seems to be few opportunities where family and friends can be together and focus on enjoying each other’s company. Integreat Queensland’s Picnic in the Park events provide a perfect opportunity to stay engaged with your family and friends by helping build stronger bonds and foster warmth, security, and love, as well as feelings of belonging.

Held on the first Sunday of every month, our Picnic in the Park get togethers are not only a great way to relax and destress, but a great way to meet friends and make new ones in the Gladstone community. This event is about connecting with others and having fun over some food and drinks in a great atmosphere.

Integreat Queensland’s Picnic in the Park are social safe gatherings with like-minded people so come along to socialise, relax, meet people, create new friendships, and have a good time. Our next Picnic in the Park is on Sunday June 7 from 12pm onwards at Spinnaker Park – (Area C – near the swimming beach area. Please look for Integreat QLD signs.

This is a free event every month. Integreat Queensland will provide a sausage sizzle and some games. All ages welcome. Please BYO picnic food/, chairs, picnic mat etc.

To RSVP, please text 0412 868 571 or email


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