Proud moment for graduating students

A bright future is now on the horizon for 30 students who graduated from Integreat Queensland’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work program last Friday.

The students, who come from all over the world and now live in Gladstone, celebrated the completion of Certificate III in Individual Support and Community Services under the Queensland Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) program.

Integreat Queensland general manager Julie Pettitt said it was a proud moment for the students after 12 weeks of hard work.

“Families and friends came to support the students at their graduation and witness the next step on their continued journey of learning,” Ms Pettett said.

“Friendships were formed, skills learned, and connections made with organizations such as Integreat Queensland have been a significant experience for the students.

“The Queensland Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) program served them well as they now go into the workplace, some for the first time since moving to Gladstone.”

Integreat Queensland, formally Welcoming International Neighbours, offers numerous of community-based programs to open opportunities for everyone from everywhere to get involved, feel welcome, learn new things, and contribute to a strong, thriving local community.

Ms Pettett said the success of Integreat Queensland’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) program will continue as the multicultural organisation was successful only last week in receiving further funding from the Queensland Government.

“Integreat Queensland are proud to announce we will continue to deliver Certificate III in Individual Support and Community Services as well as Certificate III in Hospitality in 2022 as we have been successful in receiving funding via the latest round of the Skilling Queenslanders for Work (SQW) program”

Ms Pettett added those interested in participating in the 2022 program are encouraged to register their interest by emailing

Skilling Queenslanders for Work is a suite of targeted skills and training programs supporting Queenslanders to gain the skills, qualifications and experience needed to enter and stay in the workforce.

Picture: 2021 Skilling Queenslanders for Work graduates.

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