Having a passion for working with and around people, Brenda Spedding began working as a support worker to assist the older generation to live independently. It wasn’t until a couple years into her position as an individual support worker at Simple Solutions, that she was tapped on the shoulder to inspire others.
“I originally came from a hospitality background, so I’ve always been very good with people,” Brenda said.
“However, I wanted to help people more specifically and due to a career change a couple of years ago, I became an individual support worker assisting older people to live independently.
“I was trained through Simple Solutions in community aged care and when I went back to update my first aid certificate with them, they offered me a position to train other people.”
Brenda now trains people to obtain their qualifications in community aged care across the community services sector and is currently delivering Certificate III in Individual Support at Integreat Queensland in Gladstone.
“I really enjoyed working and supporting those in need so it was hard leaving the support worker job, but I found training other people to move into the sector even more rewarding because it allowed me to share my personal experiences and navigate any of the obstacles the trainees may be experiencing,” Brenda said.
“I also found it really rewarding watching the trainees develop and grow in their own confidence and gain the knowledge needed to work in the industry. Most of all however, it has allowed many of the trainees to gain their own independence which has been fantastic to watch.”
Passionate Teacher: Simple Solutions Industry Trainer and Assessor Brenda Spedding.